The Anjali Instructor Program
The Instructor Program
Currently, we are not accepting new members into the program. We may reconsider or redesign the program as we move forward, but currently the program is closed to new membership.
As a member of the Instructor Program you will receive a personal code that entitles you to 40% discount on all full price personal purchases at our web store The code will be unique to you and needs to be renewed annually. Please note that the discount is only available on and can not be combined with any other offers. This discount can only be used on full priced items and can not be used in conjunction with another discount code as when we have a special event which requires a special code. Only one code can be used at a time.
This is what we ask in return:
- Provide us with product feedback so that we may continue to provide the best possible clothes for the yoga lifestyle. We ask that you submit a quarterly summary of your experience with our products or feedback that you receive from your students.
- Ask your friends to like us on Facebook and in return they too will receive a one time 20% discount on all full priced items.
- If students, friends or colleagues inquire about your Anjali clothing, we ask that you offer them a Anjali Business Card which we will provide you with or send them to to find out more information.
- If you have a newsletter or email program to your students, consider sharing Anjali marketing materials and special offers .